Getting Started

In this resource, we will walk you through the process of adding additional Admins to your school. Additional Admins are helpful when handling large groups of students that need to be approved. Depending on your settings some admins may have permissions to edit your school’s settings or record student names if your school has elected to record name readings internally. 

Adding Admins

School Admins

To begin adding additional Admins from your Admin Portal navigate to the School Admins page. Here you can see a list of current admins. To add a new admin click Add an admin.

Add School Admin

Next fill in contact information for the admin you wish to add including their name, email, and phone number if desired.


If you set up Admin Groups in your Student Upload CSV here is where you can assign an Admin to a specific group. This can be helpful when assigning different Admins to complete approvals or name readings for a specific group of students in large classes.


Here you can control what permissions your Admin will have. By default, Admins will be able to view, edit, and approve students in their filter group. In addition, you can give Admins permissions to edit overall school settings by checking Can manage preferences. Additionally, if your school has elected to record name readings for the video internally you can give admins access to record names in their admin group by checking Is a name recorder. 

Once finished making these adjustments click Add Admin. Next we will get your admin's login link

At the bottom of the School Admins page, you will find a list of all your current admins. To change and admin’s settings or send them their login link click Manage.

Admin Profile

Here you can change Admin information, settings, or get their login link.

To get their login link simply click Get Current Token. This will display the Admin's up-to-date login link for you to share with them via email. Please copy and paste the link into an email for them along with any instructions on what admin duties you wish for them to complete.

At the bottom of the page, you can adjust the permissions by checking or unchecking the boxes and clicking Update. Here you can also choose to completely remove an admin by clicking Remove Admin.