Setting Up Your Social Media Wall

Getting Started

In this section, we are going to dive into getting the Social Media Wall for your Graduation Webpage ready to search and present public posts using your selected hashtag. Once you have chosen your hashtag, we will get your account started in Flockler.

What is Flockler?

Flockler is a platform that searches public social media feeds on multiple platforms to find and publish posts that include your selected hashtag. You can share posts from multiple social media platforms at once by simply signing into each of the school’s social media account(s) that you want to track within Flockler. As an Editor, you will also be able to decide which posts you would like published to the Graduation Webpage to share with your guests.

Creating your account

Your account manager will add you to Flockler as an Editor for your school. You will receive an email from inviting you to the platform. Make sure to check your inbox and spam folder. 

Adding Social Media Accounts

If there is a platform you want to pull posts from, simply click on the Content tab and click on the type of social media platform you wish to add for review. A pop-up window to attach an account will appear, we suggest using a school account.

Reviewing Social Media Posts

Public posts that have been found on your connected social media platforms will appear in your Inbox. From the Inbox, you can review and publish posts that you would like to have on your school’s Social Media Wall. 

Simply click Inbox, review the post, and click publish or remove. Published posts will then appear on the Graduation Webpage. If you decide to remove the post-it will not show up on the Graduation Webpage or your Flockler dashboard. This does not delete the original post made on the host social media platform, this simply keeps the post hidden from the Graduation Webpage.